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Are Cool Roof Shingles Worth It?

Cool roof shingles seen in close-up

Explore the Benefits of Cool Roof Shingles

If you live in the Dallas, Texas area, or anywhere in the southern part of the country, you know how hot summers can get. Here in Texas, our summers are long, one of the longest seasons we experience. And you probably also know the importance of taking steps to keep your home cool. Well, it is just as important for a commercial structure too, and one of the best things a commercial structure owner can do is to have a cool roof installation

What is a cool roof?

A cool roof reflects more of the sun’s UV rays than other types of commercial roofing. A cool roof absorbs less solar energy, which keeps the roof cool, which keeps the building cooler. This in turn keeps the air conditioner from working as hard. If you were to compare a cool roof installation to the clothing you wear, the lighter the color and weight, the cooler you are in the summer.

Is a cool roof installation expensive?

The average cost for a cool roof installation is within the same range as other types of commercial roofing. In fact, with a cool roof installation, you see a difference in the cost of utility bills because the air conditioner isn’t working as hard to keep the building cool. 

Are there other benefits of a commercial roof installation?

Yes, in addition to the energy savings a cool roof installation will provide, other benefits are:

1. Moisture Control 

Other roofing materials are susceptible to algae, mold, and other growths, especially in areas where it is humid, moist, and warm. Even in cold climates, a commercial roof will form condensation, and become moist, and algae, mold, and other growths. 

2. Easy Installation

A cool roof installation can be applied to most any type of existing roof. This means no tear-off, minimizing landfill, and saving time on labor. 

3. Energy-Efficiency

An energy-efficient cool roof installation reduces your building’s carbon footprint, moving forward and helps your company contribute to a sustainable future. As we mentioned already, it eases the stress on the HVAC system, cutting back your energy cost, and giving your HVAC a longer lifespan. 

4. Extended Lifespan

A cool roof installation will reflect the UV rays, easing the stress on the roofing construction and deflecting the heat, both of which will prolong the roof’s lifespan. What is the life expectancy of a cool roof? When quality cool roof material is used by an experienced commercial roofer, you can expect a longer lifespan of another 10 years or more.

To ensure a longer lifespan, it is important to follow through with recommended maintenance plans. And get any repairs needed as soon as possible. The longer a cool roof has damage, the more damage can happen that will cost even more.

5. Help The Electric Grid

A cool roof installation will reduce the urban heat, a significant concern in warmer areas like Dallas, Texas. Even the smallest change in temperature can make a huge difference on the electric grid. While this helps not only your commercial structure, it is also helping the Texas power grid.

6. Comfort and Health

With a cool roof installation, your customers and employees will be more comfortable and happier. Comfortable, happy employees are more productive and comfortable, and happy customers stay longer and spend more money. 

How much does a cool roof reduce heat on a commercial structure?

 A cool roof installation can keep a building up to 50°F cooler. 

What are the negatives of a cool roof?

There aren’t many negatives to a commercial cool roof installation, but you should consider the following before making the investment: 

  • To retrofit a cool roof installation, the conversion can increase the costs if any additional construction is needed.
  • Cool roof installation is typically a lighter color, which shows dirt.
  • A cool roof installation in cooler climates can increase the heating demand.

What is the most expensive roof system to install?

Even though metal roofing can have a long lifespan, it can also be the most expensive commercial roof. The cost can be prohibitive for large structures. Another downside to metal roofing is the noise factor. If not installed correctly with installing, it can be loud hailstones and rain. 

What is the cheapest commercial roof system?

The cheapest commercial roofing material is a spray foam roof. The spray foam itself is cheaper and it takes less labor for the installation. Additionally, it has a high R-value which contributes to energy savings, it is repaired easily, requires minimal maintenance, and can renew an existing roof easily and inexpensively. 

Topping It Off

The big question is typically, “Does a cool roof installation really work?”, and the answer is yes!  But again, it isn’t recommended for cooler environments, and could actually cause an increase in the energy bills. Call us today at 214-295-5500 for a cool roof installation in Dallas, TX!

Roofing Maintenance Checklist for Spring and Summer: Preparing for the Seasons Ahead

gloved hand clearing leaves and dirt from gutters

Spring Roofing Maintenance

Maintaining your roof is essential for prolonging its lifespan and ensuring it remains in good condition. Here’s a roofing maintenance checklist specifically tailored for spring and summer:

  1. Inspect Shingles: Check for any signs of damage, such as cracks, curling, or missing shingles. Replace any damaged shingles promptly to prevent leaks.
  2. Clean Gutters and Downspouts: Remove debris, leaves, and other obstructions from gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage. Clogged gutters can lead to water backup and roof damage.
  3. Check Flashing: Inspect the flashing around chimneys, vents, and skylights for signs of damage or deterioration. Repair or replace any damaged flashing to prevent water intrusion.
  4. Trim Overhanging Branches: Trim back any branches that overhang the roof to prevent them from rubbing against shingles or causing damage during windy conditions.
  5. Inspect Attic: Check the attic for signs of water stains, mold, or mildew, which could indicate a roof leak. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.
  6. Check Sealants and Caulking: Inspect the sealants and caulking around vents, chimneys, and other roof penetrations. Replace any cracked or deteriorated sealant to maintain a watertight seal.
  7. Clear Debris: Remove any debris, such as leaves, branches, or bird nests, from the roof surface to prevent moisture buildup and potential damage.

Summer Roofing Maintenance

  1. Inspect and Clean Roof Vents: Check roof vents for signs of damage or blockages. Clean vents to ensure proper airflow and ventilation in the attic, which can help prevent heat buildup and moisture problems.
  2. Check for Pest Infestations: Inspect the roof for signs of pest infestations, such as nests or droppings. Address any pest issues promptly to prevent damage to the roof structure.
  3. Inspect Skylights: Check skylights for signs of leaks or damage to seals. Ensure that the flashing around skylights is intact and properly sealed to prevent water intrusion.
  4. Check for Algae or Moss Growth: Inspect the roof for signs of algae, moss, or lichen growth, especially in areas with high humidity or shade. Clean the roof surface and treat with a suitable algae/moss inhibitor if necessary.
  5. Inspect Chimney: Check the chimney for signs of damage or deterioration, such as cracks in the masonry or missing mortar. Repair any issues to prevent water intrusion and chimney leaks.
  6. Schedule Professional Inspection: Consider scheduling a professional roofing inspection, especially if you have any concerns about the condition of your roof. A qualified inspector can identify potential issues and recommend necessary repairs or maintenance.

By following this roofing maintenance checklist for spring and summer, you can help ensure that your roof remains in optimal condition and protects your home from the elements. Regular maintenance can also help identify and address minor issues before they escalate into more significant problems requiring costly repairs. If you need a roof inspection in Dallas, TX, call 214-295-5500 to schedule yours!

Should I Claim Hail Damage on My Roof?

a hand full of hailstones

Should I Claim Hail Damage on My Roof?

Roof hail damage is a common problem in Dallas, Texas, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly when it happens to you. It is crucial to have your roof inspected after any significant weather event and to file a claim immediately if roof hail damage is found. Yes, if you live in Texas or a state within Tornado Alley, you can be pretty confident that a hailstorm will affect your roof and that roof hail damage repair will be needed. 

What are the signs of hail damage on a roof?

When a hail storm hits, no surface is safe. The roof and any property you have outside, such as lawn furniture, mailboxes, or fences, can be damaged. The amount and type of damage can vary in degree, especially with the roofing materials you have. For instance, roof hail damage will look different on basic asphalt shingles and metal roofing, but you will still likely need assistance if hail damages your roofing system. 

Because homes in Dallas are primarily roofed with asphalt or composition shingles, we’ll discuss how roof hail damage will appear on that type of roofing material. Typical signs of hail damage on shingles can include:

  • A random pattern of damage across the shingles.
  • Denting and pockmarks.
  • Granule loss.
  • Exposed roofing felt.
  • Exposed mat under the asphalt layer. 
  • Soft pockmarks with an appearance similar to a bruised apple.

What type of roofing material can withstand hailstones?

Shingles that minimize hail damage are made of a rubberized, synthetic roofing material. This material is engineered to have a hail-resistant property and to maintain the appearance and durability of more natural roofing material. Other hail-resistant roofing materials include Impact-Resistant Roofing Shingles and Class 4 Metal Roofing.

Asphalt shingles are most commonly used for residential roofs, and impact-resistant options are available today. These shingles are manufactured with reinforced fiberglass matting that is highly impact-resistant compared to standard asphalt shingles. With these impact-resistant shingles, there is no need to file roof hail damage claims, extending the roof’s lifespan. 

Meanwhile, Class 4 metal roofing is a hail-resistant material with a high-impact rating that can withstand hailstones up to 2” in diameter. It can also withstand winds up to 110 miles per hour, minimizing wind and roof hail damage claims and giving you a roof with a longer lifespan. 

Can hail damage cause roof leaks?

If the hailstones are large enough and hit hard enough at the right angle, they can cause leaks. While the roofing materials we listed above are impact-resistant, any roofing can develop a leak after a major hailstorm. These leaks may be small, and you may only notice them in the attic, but if they are undiscovered and unrepaired, any leak will spread, causing potentially severe damage to your home. 

This is why it is essential to get a roof inspection by an experienced roofing contractor after any significant weather event. A professional will determine whether there is any roof hail damage and recommend whether repairs are necessary. 

It’s also essential to have an insurance adjuster inspect your roof. If the adjuster determines there is roof hail damage, they can approve the claim for repairs or, if over 25% of the roof’s surface is damaged, approve a complete roof replacement.

How do you negotiate a roof hail damage claim?

If you suspect you have roof hail damage, as we recommended, have a professional roofing contractor inspect your roof. Take pictures and videos, make notes of your roof’s hail damage, and get a written estimate from your contractor for roof repairs or replacement. 

After an insurance adjuster does their inspection for any roof hail damage, they will send you a report of their findings along with their settlement offer. If it doesn’t match what the roofing contractor stated, many companies will take the matter up with your insurance company. You can also share your pictures, videos, and notes of the damage so everyone involved has all the information possible to make the best decision.

What size hail does it take to damage a roof?

You can be sure that any golf ball or baseball-sized hailstones will cause roof hail damage. But it should be noted that even the smallest hailstones, such as pea-sized or marble-sized, can cause harm if they strike a roof at just the right angle and with incredible velocity. This is why it’s always a good idea to perform a full inspection of your roof anytime you have experienced a hailstorm, regardless of the size of the hail. 

Can hailstones bust a skylight?

Skylights are typically made with acrylic materials that can lose the compounds that give them flexibility. They become brittle and, yes, susceptible to the same type of roof hail damage. The inner dome of the skylight is protected, but depending on the hailstone size, if the inner dome isn’t damaged itself, it can begin leaking. 

In Conclusion

If you suspect any roof hail damage is possible, don’t hesitate to call a professional roofing contractor for an inspection. If you delay when you have a roof leak, your insurance company could deny your claim, classifying it as homeowner neglect. Contact our professionals if you have any questions about what you should do when you have roof hail damage in Dallas, TX. Call us at 214-295-5500

What is a Cool Roof System?

Cool roof

Explore Cool Roofing For Your Property

Commercial structures typically have a large roof surface, and here in Texas, that means a large area that heats up in the summer.  That heat radiates throughout the building, making it either uncomfortable or causing the HVAC system to run longer. Unless you have a cool roof installation done. 

 What is a cool roof?

A conventional roof surface can reach 150°F during the summer. With a cool roof installation, it will reflect the sunlight and absorb less solar energy. This results in lower temperature on the roof up to 50°F cooler, which keeps the interior cooler too. 

How much does cool roof technology cost?

A cool roof installation can be done using membrane systems, like modified bitumen, asphalt, metal, and stone/rock. A commercial structure owner may choose to use a coating instead like acrylic elastomeric silicone. Working with an experienced commercial roofing contractor is recommended to get the right cool roof installation material. 

The cost of a cool roof installation can vary depending on the different factors involved. Those factors include the location, local circumstances, and the type of material chosen.  A low-sloped roof can cost up to $2.00 per square foot, and a single-ply cool roof with a membrane can cost up to $3 per square foot.

That money is recouped by lowering the energy expenses each month and minimizing the maintenance expenses. A cool roof installation will help ease the strain on the HVAC system as well, extending the lifespan of this too. There may be tax credits on Federal and state levels as well that can help offset the expense.

What are the benefits of a cool roof installation?

There are several benefits to having a cool roof installation for your commercial structure. Among those benefits we’ve mentioned, others include:

  • Decreasing the cooling needed reduces the energy bills.
  • Extends the lifespan of an even older HVAC system during the hot summer.
  • Rebates and tax credits are available through government programs.
  • A cool roof installation can make it possible to downsize new the air conditioning system which increases the cooling efficiency.
  • Indoor comfort and safety are improved, requiring less air conditioning.
  • The roof temperature is lowered, extending the roof lifespan.

In addition to the benefit that each building with a cool roof installation can expect, there are benefits to the environment too:

  • The lower outside air temperature minimizes the urban heat island effect.
  • Smog formation by air pollutants is less, keeping the exterior air cooler.
  • Reduce electricity demand during peak periods, which helps prevent power outages.
  • Less energy demand decreases power plant emissions. 
  • Global warming is offset by the sunlight being reflected. 

What are the negatives of a cool roof?

A cool roof installation is beneficial during the summer, but there are downsides in the winter that should be considered. Because a cool roof won’t absorb the sunlight and reduces heat inside the building during the summer, it also reduces the heat in the winter. This can cause the heating system to operate more.

Other negatives from a cool roof installation include: 

  • Retrofitting can be expensive with the additional labor, materials, and prep work required. 
  • Cool roof installation has a high potential for algae and mold growth.
  • Lighter colors in cool roofing get dirty faster, which lessens the reflectiveness.

How long does a cool roof last?

The quality of the materials used and the cool roof installation process will have an impact on the lifespan. Where a conventional roof has an average lifespan of 10 years, a cool roof installation can last up to 30 years. 

Is a cool roof installation required in some states?

In California, cool roof installation meets the stringent cool roof requirements, some of the country’s strictest for both multi-family or single-family residential and nonresidential structures. , Other states that require cool roof installation include: 

  • Alabama
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Texas

Do cool roofs on commercial structures need to be vented? 

Yes, ventilated roofing is as important with a flat roof cool roof installation as with conventional roofing. Proper ventilation is important because hot air rises and creates humidity in the highest part of the structure. Without proper ventilation, that heat builds up under the roof and can cause damage to the roofing. 

In Conclusion

Most commercial structure owners wonder if a cool roof installation is worth the cost. The answer is yes, it can be for most commercial buildings. A cool roof installation is worth getting quotes and doing further research for any size commercial structure. 

Then get quotes on conventional roofing and compare the pros and cons of both. While comparing the quotes, consider any rebates and tax credits that a cool roof installation will earn you as well. Check with your accountant as well to confirm if this year is the best time to get a new roof or go with roofing repairs only. Please call us now at 214-295-5500 for a cool roof installation in Dallas, TX.

What is the Cool Roof Strategy?

A Cool Flat Roof

It can be expensive to construct a commercial structure, and the maintenance, the daily usage, and the overall upkeep can be costly too. From keeping the exterior groomed to keeping the interior comfortable and all components in proper working order. One of the key components that can affect every aspect of the structure includes the roofing. 

Here in and around Dallas, Texas, choosing the right roofing material is crucial to a commercial structure. It must withstand various types of weather, including strong UV rays, hail storms, and rains, along with ice and snow. But it is the summer weather here that is the biggest focus, and cool roofing has proven to be an upgrade for most commercial structures. 

What is cool roofing?

Conventional roofs with traditional roofing materials can reach a temperature of 150°F and higher on a summer day. Cool roofing reflects more of the UV rays from the sun instead of absorbing them like conventional roofing materials. This reaction keeps the interior of the building cooler and eases the strain on the HVAC system. 

How does cool roofing work?

As we mentioned, the UV rays of the sun are reflected out into the atmosphere with cool roofing instead of being absorbed by the roofing. Two properties make this happen: 

  • Thermal emittance
  • Solar reflectance

What types of materials are considered for cool roofing? 

Five popular choices that provide commercial structures with cool roofing include: 

  • Foam Roofing:  This cool roofing option is a foam-like material that comes from the combination of two liquid chemicals. It creates a flexible, lightweight, solid roofing layer that is cost-effective and reliable.
  • Coated Roofing: Coating commercial roofs with cool roofing paint enhances durability and reduces bacterial growth. Coating for cool roofing can be installed on several types of existing roofing including asphalt, gravel, metal, and more. 
  • Single-Ply Roofing Membranes: This type of cool roofing comes in prefabricated sheets that are individually applied to the structure’s roof. They come in Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM), a single-ply type of roofing, and in thermoplastics, also single-ply.
  • Built-Up Roofing: This cool roofing technique involves increasing the top layering over the mineral-surfaced sheets with reflective mineral granules.  A cool roofing coating can be added over an existing BUR roof. 
  • Modified Bitumen Roofing: This type of roofing is designed with cool roofing in mind for commercial structures in the Dallas, Texas area. They can accommodate both cold and warm temperatures and are installed in one of 4 ways: 
  • Torch-applied
  • Cold-applied
  • Hot-mopped
  • Self-adhesives

Is cool roofing on a commercial structure more expensive?

It can, depending on the style of the existing roof. Most commercial structures have a low-sloped roof, and the cost of installing cool roofing on a structure that needs a new roof there isn’t any additional cost. 

If the commercial structure roofing is being retrofitted with cool roofing, the cost can depend on a few factors. Those factors start with the type of cool roofing material chosen and the size of the roof surface. The difference in the cost of cool roofing is approximately under $5.00 per square foot more than traditional roofing material which is typically darker in color.

Is cool roofing worth the higher cost? 

Yes, once the difference in the energy cost is factored into, the initial cost is recovered within 6 years or less. There are other benefits from cool roofing for the structure as well as the surrounding environment as well such as: 

  • Energy bill reduction by up to 30%
  • Interior has improved comfort, requiring less air conditioning
  • Maintenance costs are reduced
  • Roofing lifespan is extended
  • The Urban Heat Island Effect is reduced
  • Lessens the electricity demand at peak times
  • Contribution to air pollution and global warming is lowered 

An additional consideration of cool roofing is the climate. Cool roofing can achieve greater cool savings, but during the winter, the savings on heating the structure aren’t as great.  This is because the UV rays are reflected and less heat is absorbed. Cool roofing isn’t a recommended material in areas that have harsh and longer winter weather.

What is the expected lifespan of cool roofing? 

Traditional commercial roofing materials have an expected lifespan maximum of 20 years.  This type of roofing often requires having the roof repaired and recoated to extend the lifespan. Cool roofing can extend that lifespan expectation by up to 30 years with proper installation and maintenance. 

Can cool roofing handle foot traffic? 

Many types of commercial roofing materials cannot withstand foot traffic. Excessive foot traffic usually leads to premature wear to the roof. However, cool roofing is designed to withstand the abrasion caused by foot traffic. When shopping different roofing contractors about installing cool roofing, it is important to advise the contractor on the amount of foot traffic. 

Topping Off This Topic

If there is consideration of retrofitting the existing roof on a commercial structure or getting quotes for new roofing, it is important to get several quotes. Compare the various quotes for what is included and what type of guarantee and warranty are offered. Not all commercial roofing contractors provide identical services when it comes to commercial roofing.

What Does Old Hail Damage on a Roof Look Like?

close up of snow on a roof

When Hail Falls

Whether it is your business structure or your home, hail damage roof repair isn’t something to take too lightly. What may seem like a small issue visually could have severe damage you don’t see. And because you’re located in the Dallas, Texas area, you can be sure more severe weather will develop at some point. 

So, instead of leaving to be susceptible to other weather events, have your roofing professionally inspected to determine if there are repairs needed. But, before you 100% trust the roofing contractor, what does hail damage look like?  

Damage to Roofs

Because most of the homes in Dallas have asphalt shingle roofs, we’ll work from that for what it looks like when you need hail damage roof repairs. A hailstorm will leave craters and dents, almost as if somebody used a hammer to beat on your roof. 

Because all structures in this area are subjected to a lot of sunny days, the UV rays can cause shingles to warp, weaken them, and this will allow those craters and dents to go through the shingle, damaging the underside and even the roof decking. You will also notice the following: 

  • Black pockmarks
  • Missing granules
  • Exposed roof felt or underlayment
  • Bruise-type marks
  • Cracked, loose, or torn shingles
  • Asphalt granules on the ground
  • Asphalt granules in the gutter runs and downspouts

Is there a roofing material that is more susceptible to hail damage?

Any roofing material that has a guaranteed Class 4 Rating is the best roofing material for a home. In the Dallas area, composite roof tiles have a reputation for being the best at withstanding hailstorms. 

What steps should I take if I think my roof has been damaged by hail?

After the danger of a hailstorm passes, walk around your home, and take notes, pictures, and videos if possible. If you’re able to climb a ladder, do this with the top of the roof, but only if you are able and it is safe. What should you look for? 

Among the things we’ve listed earlier, you want to look for damage to the fascia, soffit, gutters, and downspouts. Check your siding and windows, the mailbox, and any outdoor furniture and fixtures. If they have hail damage, there is a good possibility you’re going to need hail damage roof repairs too. 

Next, call a professional roofing contractor to perform an inspection. In most cases, they will offer a free inspection and those that do charge, will deduct that amount from your bill if you go with them for the hail damage roof repairs or a roof replacement. 

With your notes, pictures, and videos, along with your roofing contractors’ report and estimate, call your insurance company and file a hail damage roof repair claim. They will send an adjuster to your home to do an inspection. Having your contractor present is recommended to confirm the adjuster finds what they found. 

close up of hail

How much does hail damage roof repair typically cost? 

Every roofing contractor will price their hail damage roof repair jobs differently, but most are by the square footage of the damaged area or for an entire roof replacement. The cost will depend on the amount and severity of the damage too. In most cases, a roof with 25% or more damaged area will have replacement recommended.

Will my insurance company cover hail damage roof repair? 

Yes, the most basic of any homeowner’s insurance policy has hail damage roof repair or replacement coverage. Your out-of-pocket amount will depend on the type of deductible you choose. 

Are there any warning signs that hail damage is imminent and a way to prevent the damage? 

It is not humanly possible to prevent hailstorms, but we can take precautions that can minimize the damage to our homes. Those precautions include:

  • Routine inspections and maintenance. As soon as you notice broken, cracked, damaged, or worn shingles, replace them. The weaker the shingles, the more likely you’ll need hail damage roof repairs. 
  • Keep trees trimmed back. This eliminates the possibility of tree branches and tree limbs breaking off from hailstones and falling on your roof. 
  • Watch weather reports and warning during stormy weather. 

Saving Money: DIY Hail Damage Roof Repairs

If you’re able to climb a roof and have knowledge of basic tools, you can replace a few missing, cracked shingles yourself. However, if you file a hail damage roof repair claim with your insurance and do not use the money for that purpose, any future roof claims are likely to be denied. Your homeowner’s insurance company could choose to drop your policy as well. 

Your home is an important and probably the most expensive investment you’ll ever make. Remember that the roof is essential in protecting your home, so skimping on hail damage roof repair or not doing anything is leaving your home in a vulnerable situation. 

Accent Roofing & Construction provides professional hail damage roof repair in Dallas, TX. Call our team at 214-295-5500 to get assisted.

What Size Hail Can Damage a Roof?

hail balls close up

Learn More About Hail

If you live in Dallas, Texas, with spring on the near horizon, you probably know that roof hail damage repair is possible. You probably already have some, but what does old hail damage look like? On asphalt shingles, the hail damage is going to be the same as when it first happened, but if the shingles have faded and have signs of hail damage, it is more likely it is roof hail damage. Repairs or a replacement to be done will be determined by the roofing contractor. 

So, how do you know if you have hail damage on your roof from a recent hailstorm?

After a hailstorm, as a homeowner, you should walk around your home’s exterior and check for hail damage. A new homeowner, or somebody new to Texas, may not know what roof hail damage looks like though. While a professional roofing contractor will know, you should have some idea when you need roof hail damage repairs, you know whether you need to schedule a professional inspection. Some indications that you may have hail damage would be any of the following: 

  • Bruising: Bruising on the shingles happens when the velocity of the hailstones impacts the shingle granules. Hail damage isn’t always visible, so you can check for indentations on the shingle surfaces if you’re able to climb a ladder safely.    
  • Loose or Missing Granules: Loose or missing granules can signify your roof has aged to the point of needing replacement. Or it can be caused by hailstones. In most cases, when roof hail damage repair or replacement is needed, the underlayment will be showing through. 
  • Dented Gutters or Roof Vents: Dented roof vents are a strong indicator you need hail roof damage repair or maybe replacement. When this is apparent, it is important to contact a professional roofing contractor for an inspection and estimate. Then call your insurance agent.

Cracking: When large hailstones hit your roof at a high velocity, they leave behind circular patterns. Can 1-inch hail damage a roof, and can ½ inch hail damage a roof? Yes, even smaller hailstones can cause the need for roof hail damage repairs.

close up of clay roof damaged by hail

What is the largest size hail ever recorded?

On the record, in 2010, South Dakota is home to the largest hailstone in this country with a diameter of 8 inches. Bangladesh is home to The Vivian hailstone, the heaviest at 2.25 pounds in 1986. Here in Texas, on April 28, Hondo, Texas collected a massive hailstone that measured 6.4 inches in diameter, the biggest one for The Lonestar State on record. Can you imagine the amount of roof hail damage repairs these hailstones left?!

What is the most hail-resistant roof?

The term “hail-proof” can be misleading because there isn’t anything that is 100% hail-proof. Hailstorms can be catastrophic weather events. There are, however, varying degrees of hail resistance, with rubber roofing being the most sturdy and resistant to hailstones. This recycled material is low maintenance and quickly becoming a popular choice in hailstorm-prone areas. 

Another roofing material that can withstand hailstones is asphalt shingles. There are different levels of asphalt roofing materials and depending on the level you choose will define the amount of roof hail damage repairs you’ll need.  

This roofing material is typically made from cellulose, wastepaper, wood fiber, and other materials, with an adhesive asphalt, added, then topped with a granule finish. This type of roofing material bends, making it a level of durability to hailstone. 

These roofing material choices are not recommended for hailstorm areas: 

  • Metal: Metal roofing is a durable material that holds up to hailstone impacts but will show the dents, taking away from the aesthetics that makes metal roofing popular. 
  • Clay, slate:  Not only are these roofing materials aesthetically pleasing but are extremely vulnerable to cracking during a hailstorm.   

Are hail-resistant shingles worth it?

Definitely!  While the front-end cost is higher for a hail-resistant roof, hail damage repair needs are less likely to be needed. A replacement roof won’t be needed as often either, meaning you get a longer lifespan for the money.

Topping It Off – How do you hail-proof a roof?

The roof isn’t the only part of your home that can be damaged by hailstorms. There are steps you can take to protect your home from needing structure or roof hail damage repairs. 

  • Keep your roof repaired and replace as needed from age or roof hail damage repairs. 
  • A steep-sloped roof is less likely damaged by hailstones.
  • Choose skylights that are impact-rated.
  • When replacing siding, choose a fiber-cement type of siding.
  • Keep blinds, drapes, or window shades closed during storms.
  • Keep tree branches and limbs trimmed back from the roof. 

Review your homeowner’s insurance policy every 6 months so that you are familiar with the coverage. If you’re unsure of the coverage, contact your insurance agent or insurance company. 

Accent Roofing & Construction provides assistance with hail damage roof repair in Dallas, TX. Call our team of professionals at 214-295-5500 to get set up with an appointment. 

What Is the Most Common Cause of Roof Leaks?

A Roofer Repairs a Roof Leak.

Finding and Repairing Roof Leaks

Springtime is just around the corner and homeowners in the Dallas, Texas area are getting prepared. Getting the lawn equipment ready, uncovering lawn furniture, cleaning the grill pulling the kid’s yard toys out of storage. One key thing we can’t forget to get prepared for is roof leak repairs!

Why are we mentioning such a doldrum subject? Because the winter has been harsh in this area, and recently, we’ve had those much-dreaded hailstorms too. So, whether it is a commercial structure or our homes, there is a good chance that we have been left with an unknown roof leak. Repairing those leaks as soon as they are discovered is important. If you need a roof leak repair in Dallas, TX, give Accent Roofing & Construction a call at 214-295-5500.

What kind of damage can winter do that results in needing roof leak repairs?

While the white winter may be pretty when it is snow, here in Dallas we get more ice than snow. Yes, it looks pretty, but it is dangerous on the roads and the stormy winter weather that brings that ice, unleashes many other elements. What are the most common causes of roof leaks that leave a homeowner needing unexpected roof leak repairs? Four of the most common causes are:


When we get ice storms here, they can leave behind a thick buildup on rooftops. Ice gets heavier the thicker it is and this can damage roofing materials by melting, refreezing, and creating cracks and needing roof leak repairs that you won’t know you have until the spring rains start. Ice dams form along the roof eaves, blocking the gutters, backing freezing water up under the shingles on your home, and blocking drains on commercial roofs.


During the winter storms that come through Dallas, the wind is typically strong and powerful gusts, a big part of the blizzard conditions we call winter here. These winds are a risk to the roofs of homes and businesses and can cause asphalt shingles to curl and blow them off. The winds find a loose part of a commercial roofing membrane and rip it off. These situations leave a roof vulnerable and then when the spring rains start, you find you need roof leak repairs. 

  • SNOW

That white stuff is pretty, but in large amounts, wet snow gets very heavy and puts a roof under a lot of pressure. The roof will sag, and the melting snow will find where there are crack and loose roofing materials. Then the spring rains come, and you discover you need one or more roof leak repairs! 

How do I know if I have a roof leak? 

There are four particular areas that you want to inspect yourself or have a professional roofing contractor check for possible roof leak repair:


The ice we get in the Dallas area along with any heavy snow, accumulates on rooftops, putting additional weight on the structure that it isn’t designed to hold. That weight will put extreme pressure on any old and weak areas, causing a sag and often creating cracks and holes, leaving you needing roof leak repairs or roof replacement. 


As roofing material ages, they become extremely susceptible to cold weather. Every type of roofing material on commercial and residential property can become brittle and crack, and when that first spring rain comes, you’re scrambling to make any roof leak repairs you can before the roofing contractor arrives. 


Excessive moisture accumulates in a roof year-round if there isn’t sufficient attic ventilation. When there is ice and snow on the roof, even more moisture can accumulate in the winter, leaking into the attic. Be proactive by inspecting the attic for any mildew and mold, wet insulation, or water stains on the ceiling joists and on the roof under decking. This proactive measure will allow you to make repairs before you have emergency roof leak repair needs.


Inspect your gutter system for any blockage caused by the ice and snow. Check the gutters for any high wind damage that has caused the gutters to pull loose. When gutters are damaged, they can pull from the fascia, which can loose the roofing shingles. Blocked gutters will cause the rainwater to back up under the shingles. All of this can cause a roof leak, repairs can be minor or could require your entire roof be replaced. 

What are the best materials to use for roof leak repairs? 

This can depend on the type of the existing roofing material and if you’re doing roof leak repair for a commercial roof or a residential roof. When doing a temporary roof repair you’ll need the following materials: 

  • A sheet of plywood
  • Waterproof roof sealant
  • Galvanized nails or screws
  • A plastic tarp
  • Several 2×4 boards

What steps should I take to repair a roof leak? 

The first step you should take is to call a professional roofing contractor. If there is widespread roof damage, it may take a while before they get to you, so you can use the materials listed above to make a temporary roof leak repair using these steps: 

  • Cut the plywood just larger than the leak.
  • Spread the roof sealant along the outer edge of the plywood and position it over the leak.
  • Use the nails or screws to hold the plywood in place.
  • Then apply the roof sealant over the nails or screws.

If the damage is too large, use the plastic tarp and spread it over the damaged area. Then use the 2×4 to form a frame over the tarp and either nail or screw the board down. Remember, these are only temporary roof repairs and should not be left for any long period of time.

Can roof leaks be prevented? 

For any roof, commercial or residential, keeping trees trimmed back from the roof will be a key thing you can do to prevent needing roof leak repairs. Having a commercial roof inspected every 30 days and a residential roof annually will allow the chance to find any possible issues that can lead to a roof leak later. Keeping the roof, commercial or residential, clear of any debris like tree limbs and more so they can’t rub creating a crack or hole is important too.

A Roofer Repairs a Roof Leak.

At The Top Of It All: Are there any advantages to hiring a professional for roof leak repairs? 

Absolutely! First of all, they have all the equipment, experience, materials, and tools to do the roof leak repair right! They are certified by roofing material manufacturers so the work will be covered by warranty, and they will be licensed, which makes it clear for government bodies in your area.

How to Install a Metal Roof

pair of dormers in a standing seam metal roof

Choosing a Metal Roof

Will your home need new roofing soon? Give metal roofing some consideration before you go with the standard asphalt shingle roofing. Why, is metal roofing cheaper than shingles? No, but either way isn’t an inexpensive home project. However, metal roofing has become more popular in Dallas, Texas over the past few years anyway. So why is that the case?

Standing seam metal roofing can cost three times what an asphalt shingle roof costs. For example, going with the architectural shingle roofing material, you can expect to pay $5.00 per square foot. A stand seam metal roofing job will cost up to $15.00 per square foot. So, if you’re working from a tight budget, no, metal roofing isn’t the choice for you. 

So why go with metal roofing when you know upfront it is going to cost more? Here are three good reasons why you need to consider standing seam metal roofing over asphalt shingle roofing: 


New roofing warranties are for both the manufacturer’s roofing material and the installation workmanship.  There are three types of asphalt shingles, with the architectural type being the more popular one today. It comes with a 50-year enhanced warranty with registration of your roof with the manufacturer. A standing seam metal roofing warranty is 30-years for the protective coating. on the metal panels.  There are two take-a-ways here for either metal roofing vs shingles: One: The better quality the material choice, the better the warranty. Two: Hiring a contractor with experience in how metal roofing is installed will make a lot of difference in longevity. 

The Lifespan of a Shingle Roof

A new roof is expensive no matter what material you choose, so getting the longest lifespan is essential. Standing seam metal roofing has a longer lifespan than architectural shingle roofing. How long does a metal roof last? Metal roofing’s standard lifespan is 50 years compared to the 30-year lifespan for asphalt shingle roofing. With proper maintenance, proper upkeep, and proper attic ventilation, you can expect to meet those 30 and 50-year lifespan, maybe longer. With either asphalt shingle or standing seam metal roofing, the climate and extreme weather are factors that can have an impact on the lifespan. 


Periodic roof inspections and maintenance are essential no matter what type of roofing material you choose. All roofs should be inspected, and all roofs will need maintenance, some more than others.  Keeping that in mind, we should point out that standing seam metal roofing will need less maintenance compared to asphalt shingle roofing.  Maintenance and inspections should be done annually and include the pipe boots, clearing the valleys and gutters of any debris for asphalt roofing. Standing seam metal roofing doesn’t require as much maintenance, but the routine inspection is recommended. 

What is a standing seam metal roof?

Standing seam metal roofing is installed with a concealed fastener system using trapezoidal or vertical legs with a flat space between the legs. The panels are attached with clamps to the roof decking without creating any nail holes where moisture can get. The other metal roofing material option is a corrugated metal roofing style that consists of formed metal sheets that has alternating ribs that are curved or wavy. 

What metal roofing is best?

For residential purposes, standing seam metal roofing is recommended as the best. Why? Standing seam metal roofing is made with locking panels at each seam that is fastened with clips. This method of fastening allows the metal panels to move freely with thermal expansion, i.e., temperature fluctuating.

A corrugated metal roofing is installed with each panel screwed down. Two issues with this type of metal roofing are 1) Exposed fasteners and 2) No roof for temperature fluctuating to contract and expand. The lack of movement will eventually wear the screw holes out, allowing places for this type of metal roofing to begin leaking. 

How to clean a metal roof?

Roofing experts recommend cleaning metal roofing by mixing one-fourth cup of either car wash soap or a mild dish liquid detergent with one gallon of water. Using a microfiber cloth, soft-bristle brush, or a sponge, apply liberally across a section then allow to sit five to ten minutes. Next, rinse with clean, clear water. Do this repeatedly in sections, overlapping each one. Applying the mixture to the entire roof at one time, the first part will dry before you get is scrubbed and rinsed. 

Can metal roofing be installed over asphalt shingles?

Yes, but maybe no. Yes, new metal roofing can be installed over an old asphalt roof, if the circumstances all line up correctly. What circumstances determine this being possible? 

  • The current asphalt shingles must be pretty flat, meaning no cracked or lifted shingles, no blisters, or bumps. 
  • The metal roofing is installed properly. 
  • Local building code restrictions. 

This can save you as much as 25% with a reduction in labor for tear-off the old roofing and save you a few dollars on having new underlayment installed and the dump fees. However, there are many roofing contractors will not install metal roofing over an old roof because of the workmanship quality may appear lower and the warranty of the metal roofing may be voided. 

close-up of a red corrugated metal roof

A Final Few Words

Maybe you’ve moved into a house with metal roofing, and you don’t like the color. Or you get tired of the color after 20 years, can you paint a metal roof? Yes, metal roofing can be painted using acrylic, latex, or oil-based alkyd paint. 

Make sure the label says it is for metal roofing specifically and follow the directions exactly, including cleaning and prepping the surface. For a clean and smooth coating, use an airless paint sprayer. And remember, once you’ve painted it, you’ll need to repaint it every 3 to 5 years, depending on the climate and weather affect on the surface.

How to Fund Your Commercial Roof Repair

worker repairing an asphalt roofing system

The Importance of Commercial Roof Repair

Some scientists are saying that “Tornado Alley” has moved a bit east of where we all have known it to be for years. While Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas may be “losing” that status, we are still getting those storms that accompany tornados, leaving behind the need for commercial roof repair

How do you repair a commercial roof?

Commercial roof repairs depend on the type of roofing material and the type of damage. One of the most popular commercial roof repair solutions is applying a roof coating. Roof coatings are efficient and inexpensive and efficient. 

Additionally, a professionally applied roof coating makes a commercial structure more energy efficient. It also extends the life of the roof, prolonging the need to get a complete roof replacement. 

How do you repair a flat roof on a commercial building?

When possible, even though commercial roof repair costs are cheaper using a professional commercial roofer, by doing your own commercial roof repair, you can save even more money. The following steps will guide you through temporary commercial roof repairs: 

  • First: You need to find where the leak from inside the structure. Where the leak is coming through the ceiling may not be where the leak originated. You can do this by measuring the distance between where the water is coming in and the nearest wall. 
  • Second: With the measurements, you have taken from the inside, climb on the roof and find the wall you referenced, then look for the leak in the general area, spreading out away from the wall as you look for damage. 
  • Look for apparent damage to the roofing membrane, damaged or missing flashing, and damage around or to vents and other roof protrusions. 
  • Third: Clear any debris that is on or near the damage. You’ll be able to see if the leak is caused by debris (insurance claim!) or if is just basic age, wear, and tear. 
  • Fourth: Dry the damaged area of any water on top and underneath. You don’t want to do any type of commercial roof repairs with water still trapped underneath. This will mildew and cause mold to form and grow, causing more damage to the roof. 
  • Fifth: Identify the roof damage that has allowed water to seep in between the roof layers. Look for any alligatoring or cracks too, these are indicators the roof is subjected to the sun, resulting in long-term damage. This will determine the best method available for commercial roof repair and if this is beyond a DIY repair. 
  • Sixth: Cut the areas out that are damaged and make sure any moisture is dried.  
  • Seventh: Peel the membrane layers back that have you cut and exposed and apply waterproof roofing cement to the leak as well as the entire section around the leak under the membrane. This provides a plug to the leak and an adhesive for the remaining membrane flaps. 
  • Eight: Press the remaining membrane flaps down to the cement for resealing the gut and then nail the flaps to the roof. Last, apply the same roofing cement over the nails. 

What roof repairs does insurance cover?

Just like homeowner’s insurance, commercial property policies can vary as to what is covered. It is important to review your policy occasionally with your agent, making sure you have coverage for the following: 

  • The entire roof is insured from the roof deck up to the surface materials
  • The roof is insured against insect damage, storm damage, wind damage, and water infiltration, including any wind-borne debris from other structures
  • Full replacement cost if the roof is destroyed or does it only pay for commercial roof repairs

Most insurance companies provide sufficient coverage, you just need to ask for the coverage of things like new signage, HVAC units, satellite dishes, etc. Always update your insurance with any addition or expansion to the building. 

Make certain your insurance carrier doesn’t find damage claims to be the fault of the property owner, referring to it as neglect. Keep records and receipts for the following:

  • Annual or semi-annual commercial roof inspections
  • Routine maintenance and commercial roof repairs
  • Visitors log to the roof, including the purpose
  • Proof of due diligence in addressing any problems
  • Warranty for existing materials & labor

How much is it to replace a commercial roof?

The cost for a commercial roof replacement can vary based on the type of roofing systems installed and the size of the roof. Two common options and their cost for commercial roof replacements are: 

  • Single-Ply Membrane: Roofing is composed of rubber and other synthetics that are ballasted or chemically adhered to roof insulation. This is a popular choice among commercial roofing and can cost up to $8/per square foot for EPDM and $7/per square foot for TPO. Both can last for 30 years or longer if installed and maintained correctly, including any commercial roof repairs needed. 
  • Built-Up: Known as a ‘tar and gravel’ roof, the alternating layers of asphalt and special fabrics are then topped off with gravel or stone. A commercial roof costs up to $9/per square foot and will last up to 40 years. 

What does it mean to finance a roof?

Even for a business, paying for a new roof can be devastating when there isn’t any money. Fortunately for businesses, they will often have a better chance of getting a loan for business purposes to pay for their new roof. 

How does financing a roof work?

After researching and weighing the pros and cons of financing a commercial roof, some options that are available are: 

  1. PAC Financing: PACE (property-assessed clean energy program) offers loans for commercial and residential property owners. PACE offers low monthly payments for improvements and replacements that will improve energy efficiency and provide the structure with added storm protection.  The program varies with each state and isn’t available to every business. 
  2. Bank Financing:  This is usually the last choice of any business owner, but it is a common form for how things are paid for when it comes to upgrades and repairs. 
worker repairing a commercial metal roof

What is the life of a commercial roof?

There are several factors that can affect the longevity of a commercial roof obviously. Starting with the quality of the installation job and the materials, followed closely by the quality of commercial roof repairs done. Overall, a commercial roof can last a short 10 years or up to 40 years and more.